NSA using facial recognition software to steal your images. Russia beating the West at Propaganda war in Ukraine.

I think it safe to assume nothing is sacred in terms of the NSA. They are snagging any information they can and can afford to let technology catch up to what they have. They steal your phone calls… Web searches.. Your texts… They use your phone to see where you are going and how often… […]

Read More NSA using facial recognition software to steal your images. Russia beating the West at Propaganda war in Ukraine.

Oh.. just some stuff. LHC discovers new matter possibly. Why Neocons are wrong about Everything. And UFO’s over Hawaii this summer? Sponsored by NASA? yes.

I will actually post backwards to the way I described it above. The new matter discovered is in terms of Physics a stunning revelation. The Neo Cons did get us involved in the two worst wars in US History.. Certainly the longest wars in this Countries History. I will argue by the time it is […]

Read More Oh.. just some stuff. LHC discovers new matter possibly. Why Neocons are wrong about Everything. And UFO’s over Hawaii this summer? Sponsored by NASA? yes.

Has NSA bulk surveillance even stopped anything at all? Even a single attack? Or is it a plan to spy on everyone as I claim it is.

I knew Gen. Alexander was lying when he said that the NSA has stopped 50 attacks based on information picked up by their illegal bulk surveillance dragnet. The fact Alexander and Clapper are walking around after blatantly lying to Congress is totally an affront to anyone with any intelligence. If I lied to Congress… and […]

Read More Has NSA bulk surveillance even stopped anything at all? Even a single attack? Or is it a plan to spy on everyone as I claim it is.